Community Emails
February 5, 2025
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the Class of 2025 - We are proud to announce our Valedictorian for the Class of 2025, Evelyn Zhang, and our Salutatorian for the Class of 2025, Ananya Anand. Please congratulate these ladies for their dedication and hard work throughout their high school careers. Well done Evelyn and Ananya!!!
STAR Student - Congratulations to this year’s STAR student, Lindsay Wang and her Star Teacher Ben Schultz. This student has the highest SAT score and is in the top 10% of the 2025 senior class. Lindsay nominated Mr. Schultz as the teacher who contributed to her academic success at JCHS.
TOTY/POTY/ROTY - a huge shoutout to our finalists for Teacher of the Year, Professional of the Year, and Rookie of the Year.
TOTY Finalist-
Ms. Atkins
Ms. McGarvey
Ms. Moncrief
Ms. Valenciano
POTY Finalist-
Ms. Boglione
Mr. DeRosso
Ms. Kapur
Ms. Matthieson
ROTY Finalist-
Dr. Banks
Mr. Eurek
Ms. Hall
Officer Haynes
Model UN - The JCHS MUN club competed in the University of Georgia MUN Conference the weekend of Jan 24th-26th. A record 45 students competed. Five students brought home individual awards:
· Reema Shankar and Lucy Liu won best delegate in the Social, Humanitarian & Culture Committee (SOCHUM) representing the United Kingdom. The ladies brought home our first gavel.
· Kaylin Lee won verbal recognition in the World Trade Organization committee representing the United Kingdom.
· Vyom Shah won Honorable Mention as a delegate to the African Union representing Cameroon.
· Corrine Thorpe won Honorable Mention in the League of Arab States representing Comoros. Corrine is a freshman and this was only her second conference.
· Ipsa Shankar, a 2024 graduate of JCHS and a 4-year member, club officer and award winner for the JCHS Model UN club, served as a committee chair for the UGA Model UN Team. The UGA Model UN team is nationally ranked and students must tryout to become a member. JCHS MUN is proud to congratulate Ipsa on her continued success with MUN on the collegiate level.
Policy Debate - As the season winds down the junior-junior team of Soham Verma and Raunak Gupta have been granted an invitation to the prestigious Tournament of Champions, the end of year tournament for policy debate. The TOC caps entries at 70 two person teams for the entire country, and so far less than 10 of those teams are comprised of teams with 2 non seniors. Please congratulate them as they gear up for the tournament and enter their senior season ranked in the top 10 in the country!
Mock Trial - Congratulations to the Johns Creek Mock Trial team who came in 3rd at the regional competition this past weekend. Alyssa Chen and Andrew Rubovitz won Best Attorney awards and Isha Jamadagni and Claire Park won Best Witness awards. The team will next compete at the district level competition on February 22.
Orchestra - Shoutout to our Orchestra for their phenomenal performance at the GMEA Conference in Athens, GA. It generated a lot of buzz. And shoutout to Mr. Daniels for his turn as a guest conductor.
CCRPI Climate Survey - we need your help. It's time to complete the CCRPI Climate Survey. Please click the link and complete it.
School Governance Council - Get involved and help JCHS as great as it can be. Declare to run for our SGC. See attachment for more details.
Rising 9th, 10th and 11th Grade Students
Dual Enrollment Help Sessions – Students who plan to apply and register for dual enrollment classes for the 2025 – 2026 school year can attend help sessions in the counseling office during the month of February. Please complete the DE Help Session link below to sign up for a help session date.
Scheduling Information – All Scheduling forms will become available to all students as they begin to plan for classes for the 2025-2026 school year. Check your emails and the school website for all of the latest scheduling information. Please pay attention to all deadlines and speak with your counselor if you have any questions or concerns. Counselors are available during the lunch periods to answer any scheduling questions you may have.
Scheduling and Academic Information -
Dual Enrollment Information -
Prom 2025 - The 2025 Prom is located at Zoo Atlanta on April 26, 2025, 7pm – 11pm. The prom committee (students and sponsor) would like to know if prom attendees would like the option of having the school set-up transportation to and from the prom. The cost would be $35 per attendee (in addition to the cost of the prom ticket). The buses would be 30-40 passenger buses and monitored by chaperones. The buses would leave JCHS @ 6pm to arrive at the prom venue in time for the 7pm-8:00pm mocktail hour. If there is more than one bus (if we have more than 30 students wanting transportation), the first bus would leave at 10pm (if students want to leave early). All other buses would leave at the end of the prom. Please use the link below to submit your response to the inquiry.
Prom 2025 Transportation Survey Link
Football - We would like to remind you of the upcoming PARENT & PLAYER football meeting on Thursday, February 13th in the JCHS Cafeteria.
The schedule is as follows:
Rising 9th Graders: 6:00 PM
Rising 10-12th Graders: 6:45 PM
If you haven't yet been added to the Football Team Snap, please send an email to to be added. Additional information will be posted there.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!
College Planning - The College Family Plan will be at Johns Creek High School on Tuesday, February 11th. All families and students in 9th, 10th and 11th grades are invited to attend this free college planning seminar. See attached for more information.
One Johns Creek - February is a time to focus on connection and well-being, and at One Johns Creek (OJC), we are committed to fostering a healthier, safer community for our youth. Through education, prevention, and collaboration, we work to address substance use, mental health, and other challenges facing families today. This month, we encourage parents and students to strengthen their connections by “Spreading the Love” through one of these activities!
“Spreading the Love” Activities:
1. Kindness Notes – Write a note of appreciation to a family member or friend each week.
2. Tech-Free Dinner – Dedicate one meal per week to be screen-free and focus on conversation.
3. Move Together – Take a family walk or do a fun activity like dancing or playing a game.
4. Mindful Moments – Share one thing you’re grateful for each day.
5. Give Back – Volunteer or do a random act of kindness for someone in your community.
Small actions can have a big impact! Let’s work together to create a thriving culture of wellness within our communities.
Want to get involved? Visit to learn more!
College_Family_Planning_Flyer_02-11.jpg (107.4 KB)
January 29, 2025
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
Swim & Dive: JCHS Swim and Dive finished up their regular season up in Habersham County with an overall team 2nd place finish and a flurry of new state cuts. Congratulations on a great year and let's get ready for state! Information on the banquet coming soon!
Orchestra: Our orchestra has the prestigious honor of performing this Friday in Athens as part of the GMEA In-Service Conference. Congrats Mr. Kim and students!
GMEA All-State: Congrats to the students named GMEA All-State! See attachment for more details.
Visual Arts: This past Saturday, at the Roswell Visual Arts Center, awards were presented for the RFAA High School Show and the Kiwanis Club. All the public high schools north of the perimeter were represented. Johns Creek art students did extremely well taking away both Best of Show awards and the majority of the other major awards. Kiwanis awards will move on to the state level. I have attached some photos. Congratulations to these remarkable students!
RFAA Awards:
- Best in Show, Joyce Kim
- 1st Place, Angela Cho
- 2nd Place, Hayden Won
Kiwanis Awards:
- Best in Show, Angela Cho
- 2nd Place, Joyce Kim
- 3rd Place, Hayden Won
Spanish: On Saturday, January 25, a select group of JC students, nominated by their teachers, took part in the Fulton Forum World Language Speaking Competition, which took place at North Springs High School. Each participant was required to present in front of judges on a range of topics corresponding to their proficiency in Spanish. Students from Mrs. Sanchez’s, Mrs. Valenciano’s, and Mr. Uriz’s classes represented JC in Spanish 2 Honors, 3 Honors, 4 Honors, AP, and Native Speakers categories. Participants had the opportunity to earn medals categorized as good, excellent, and superior. Mrs. Dosch, Mrs. Sanchez, Mr. Uriz, & Mrs. Valenciano were judges and judged other schools, so cool to see the other students.
All JC students who participated achieved SUPERIOR MEDALS! Congratulations to the following students. If you see any of these students, please give them a thumbs up for a great job!
All students enrolled in Mrs. Sanchez's Spanish 2 Honors and Spanish 4 Honors courses were awarded Superior Medals.
Spanish 2 Honors
- Ollie Armiros
- Raseen Kozhissery
- Arjun Raju
Spanish 4 Honors
- Divyanka Kavdikar
- Milena Sokolianska
- Vikram Bora
All students in Mr. Uriz's Native Speakers course were awarded Superior Medals.
- Amelia Yung Chousal
- Orianna Summa Aular
- Ayesha Vazquez Ventura
- Karen Murillo-Noriega
-Acsyry Mercado
All students in Mrs. Valenciano's Spanish 3 Honors course were awarded Superior Medals.
- Eleisha Lau
- Ryan Joshi
- Eric Lee
All students in Mrs. Valenciano's AP Spanish Language and Culture course were awarded with Superior Medals.
- Katherine Forero-Rodriguez
- Antonia Sabogal-Tellez
- Gabriel Betancourt-Jimenez
- David Guerrero-Recalde
- Sol Przeticky
- Mia Rodriguez-Rosario
- Isabella Sabogal-Tellez
Finals: See attached schedule for Spring Finals and Recovery. Finals cannot be taken early. Plan accordingly.
Dual Enrollment – All students who are planning to enroll in dual enrollment classes in the Summer, Fall or Spring semesters of the 25-26 SY must attend the Dual Enrollment Night presentation on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 @ 6 pm. There will be a live Q & A during the presentation at the end of the presentation.. Please use the link to join us tomorrow. Dual Enrollment Night. The link will also be posted to the website.
Cookies w/ Counselors – The counseling department is hosting a Cookies w/ Counselor presentation on February 13, 2025, at 10 am and 6 pm in the media center for current 9th and 10th grade parents. Please join us as we present information on our departmental programming surrounding scheduling, social emotional learning, college and career preparation and extracurricular participation.
February Wellness: The JCHS PTSA Wellness committee is looking for volunteers to help host February’s Wellness Wednesday event. February 12, 2025, Wellness will host a heart awareness and anti-vaping campaign. We are asking STAFF, STUDENTS AND PARENT VOLUNTEERS TO WEAR RED for National Heart Awareness Month!!!!! The JCHS PTSA can’t host these wellness events without parent volunteers like you!!!! Please sign up to volunteer using the Signup genius link...
Boys Soccer: The Boy’s Soccer Program is hosting the first LOCAL High School Soccer Tournament in over 15 years, The Creek Cup! We’ll have over 20 teams represented from the Southeast with 12 boys teams to compete at JCHS and 8 girls teams to compete at Northview HS. With numerous college coaches in attendance there will be tons of intense soccer games on the field and various family friendly activities off the field. Food trucks, concessions, SWAG, and a FREE Youth Soccer Training Experience sponsored by TOCA. Grab everyone you know who loves soccer and enjoys supporting local activities. February 12 - 15. Flyers and schedule attached. Go CREEK!
JCHS 24-25 Spring Final Exam & Recovery Schedule
January 22, 2025
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
All Students
Dual Enrollment – The School Counseling Department will present the 25-26 Dual Enrollment town hall on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 @ 6 pm. There will be a live Q & A during the presentation. Please use the link to join us next week. Dual Enrollment Night. The link will also be posted to the website.
Seniors Only
Midyear Transcripts – Counselors will begin to submit midyear transcripts to Common App this week. Those seniors who applied to colleges out side of Common must submit a transcript request through Scriborder, Please only use Scriborder if you did not apply through Common App. We are still in the process of uploading GSU fall semester grades. Once that is complete, those midyear transcripts will be submitted as well. Thank you for your patience with this process.
ACT Day at JCHS registration – Juniors Only
The ACT is being offered to JUNIORS ONLY during the morning of Thursday, March 6th. If your junior is interested in participating in the exam, please complete the form below. This form is due by February 3, 2025.
Applications are now available for Student Leadership Johns Creek for 25-26. This is open to current freshman and sophomores.
- The mission of SLJC is to equip students with chances to acquire and implement leadership skills in their school and community.
- Ms. Smiley is the school contact – please see her in 272 with any questions
- Here is a video about the program - 2024 Student Leadership Johns Creek Innovation Academy Green Team 2 Project
- Application and information are available on the website
- Completed applications are due to Ms. Smiley no later than 8:30 am on January 31, 2025
- If you are a current junior and interested in a possible 1-year program please email Ms. Sanders at
Girls Tennis - Tryouts will take place January 28th - January 30th 4:00 - 6:00 PM. If you are interested in trying out and have not filled out the interest form, please do so before tryouts using this link. All forms including your physical must be completed in Rank One in order to tryout.
Boys Tennis - See the info for the Girls. The tryout dates are January 27-29. If you missed the info meeting in November, see Mr. Ritter.
Girls Lacrosse - Tryouts will take place January 27th - January 28th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. If you are interested in trying out and have not reached out to, please do so before tryouts. All forms including your physical must be completed in Rank One in order to tryout.
The FCS Instructional Technology team is hosting another round of Canvas for Families Info Sessions to assist parents in setting up their Observer accounts. Details about the sessions can be found on the FCS Canvas public site: Flyers attached in English and Spanish.
January 15, 2025
Swim & Dive - our Swim & dive team wins their NINTH County Championship in a row! NINE! And, each of the boys and girls won their second titles in a row. Give it up for Coach Smith, his staff, and the swimmers and divers.
Flag Football - Congratulations to Audrey Ahern, Maddie Tredway, Crystal Sharpe and Addie Grindle on their end of season honors. Audrey earned Area Defensive Player of the Year, First Team Defense and Second Team Offense. Audrey was also selected as the first JC flag football player for the Atlanta Falcons GACA All Star Game! Maddie earned Area First Team Offense and both Crystal and Addie earned Area Second Team Defensive honors. Congratulations to these athletes on a great season and representing Johns Creek.
Two Important Emails - On Sunday, there were two emails sent. One was to Seniors and outlined all pertinent info for Seniors as the year winds down. The second was to everyone else and discussed scheduling for 2025-2026. Make sure to read those closely.
Senior Student Information
Midyear Transcripts - Transcripts for the fall semester are being finalized. We have finally received the last set of grades we have been waiting for (GA State). Once our data clerk adds all grades to all transcripts, counselors can begin sending midyear transcripts to colleges. We anticipate that all transcripts will be ready to be sent to colleges by January 17, 2025. Colleges are aware of the various release dates for midyear transcripts. Thank you for your patience.
All Students Information
Fall Semester Credit Recovery - Counselors have begun to meet with students regarding failed courses from the Fall 2024 semester. Students can also schedule an appointment with their counselor to discuss recovery options. Students will have the option to enroll in credit recovery this semester or during summer school.
***For seniors requiring credit recovery, their schedules will incur changes to incorporate the classes needed to fulfill graduation requirements. Students who have failed dual enrollment graduation requirements will be required to take classes face-to-face as well as online options.
Dual Enrollment Information Night - Students interested in applying for dual enrollment for the 25-26 school year, including returning DE students, must attend the virtual information session on January 29, 2025, at 6 pm. Important information about dual enrollment options, the application, and funding processes will be discussed. This is the first step in the 25-26 DE process. The Microsoft Teams link will be sent in the January 22nd and January 29th community emails.
25-26 Scheduling – Scheduling for the upcoming school year is underway. Counselors will hold scheduling information sessions during flex in the counseling office for students who have questions about classes for the next school year. The information sessions will be held on Thursdays, February 6th,13th and 20th. Students can ask questions about summer school, credit recovery, DE, Honors, and AP classes as well as overall course plans.
9th & 10th Grade Student Information
Cookies with Counselors – The JCHS Counseling department will host a meeting/presentation for parents of current 9th and 10th grade students on Thursday, February 13, 2025, @ 10 am and 6 pm in the media center. Please join us as we share information about the current and upcoming school year.
Parenting Workshop - "Stop the Yelling & Start the Healing!" is a free, virtual event on January 29, 2025, featuring 12 experts who will provide valuable insights on parenting without rage. If you struggle with anger and guilt in your interactions with your children, this event offers practical strategies to help you stay composed, create meaningful connections, and build a harmonious home. For more, please check their website.
Wrestling - Come celebrate our Seniors!! Johns Creek Wrestling would love your support on January 15th at 5:30pm as we celebrate our upcoming graduates! We are excited to watch the team battle on the mat as we host Senior Night against Northview and Alpharetta.
Golf - Any golfers interested in trying out for golf this coming season (both girls and boys) should plan to attend a meeting on thursday, January 16th at 6pm in Mr. Anderson's room (237). Info about tryouts, match dates, etc will be shared.
Girls Tennis - Tryouts will take place January 28th - January 30th 4:00 - 6:00 PM. If you are interested in trying out and have not filled out the interest form, please do so before tryouts using the link below. All forms including your physical must be completed in Rank One in order to tryout.
Boys Tennis - See the info for the Girls. The tryout dates are January 27-29. If you missed the info meeting in November, see Mr. Ritter.
January 8, 2025
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
Boys' Basketball - Congrats to Coach Burnett, staff, and players on winning the Jackson County Holiday Jam! It's the program's first tourney championship.
Competition Cheerleading - Congratulations to the 2025 all-region cheerleaders. Angelina Blanco, Brooke Schief, and Reagan White
Friday - Pay close attention to the weather forecast for Friday. Presently, snow and ice are in the forecast for Friday AM. The NWS has a Winter Weather Watch in effect from Friday 7 AM until Saturday 7 AM. The county not likely to make a decision about Friday until Thursday afternoon ... at the earliest. If it is a remote learning day, expect assignments posted by 10 am. They are due within three school days. Students should expect that through Canvas.
Please know I have NO part in this decision-making. None.
Senior Student Information
Midyear Transcripts - Transcripts for the fall semester are being finalized. We are waiting to receive grades from all educational platforms (GA Tech, GSU, GAVS, FVS, Gwinn Tech). We anticipate that transcripts will be ready to send to colleges by January 24, 2025. Colleges are aware of the various release dates for midyear transcripts. We will send follow-up communication if this date changes.
All Students Information
Fall Semester Credit Recover - Counselors have begun to meet with students regarding failed courses from the Fall 2024 semester. Students can also schedule an appointment with their counselor to discuss recovery options. Students will have the option to enroll in credit recovery this semester or during summer school.
***For seniors requiring credit recovery, their schedules will incur changes to incorporate the classes needed to fulfill graduation requirements. Students who have failed dual enrollment graduation requirements will be required to take classes face-to-face as well as online options.
Dual Enrollment Information Night - Students interested in applying for dual enrollment for the 25-26 school year, including returning DE students, need to attend the virtual information session on January 29, 2025, at 6 pm. Important information about dual enrollment options, the application, and funding processes will be discussed. The Microsoft Teams link will be sent in the January 22nd and January 29th community emails.
Applerouth ACT Prep Course – Our partner in education, Applerouth is offering ACT Prep Group Classes at Johns Creek from Jan 11-Mar 6, 2025. The classes will take place in the counseling department after school on Thursdays from 3:45 pm-5:45 pm for 8 weeks. Students will also have 2 mock practice ACT exams during the tutoring event. This would be a great opportunity for juniors to prepare for the March administration of the ACT at JCHS. The cost of the prep course is $200 when you use Event Code: ACT1D48. The class is open to all students however, space is limited. Please register as soon as possible. The registration deadline is January 8, 2025. JCHS ACT Prep Course
Peachtree Planning - Peachtree College Planning will be hosting a workshop on “How to Find the Right College and Avoid Overpaying” on January 23rd, 24th and 25th. There will be two virtual sessions at 12 pm and at 7 pm. Register for both sessions at
ACT Day at JCHS registration – Juniors Only
The ACT is being offered to JUNIORS ONLY during the morning of Thursday, March 6th. If your junior is interested in participating in the exam, please complete the form below. This form is due by February 3, 2025.
Applications are now available for Student Leadership Johns Creek for 25-26. This is open to current freshman and sophomores.
- The mission of SLJC is to equip students with chances to acquire and implement leadership skills in their school and community.
- Ms. Smiley is the school contact – please see her in 272 with any questions
- Here is a video about the program - 2024 Student Leadership Johns Creek Innovation Academy Green Team 2 Project
- Application and information are available on the website
- Completed applications are due to Ms. Smiley no later than 8:30 am on January 31, 2025
- If you are a current junior and interested in a possible 1-year program please email Ms. Sanders at
The FCS Instructional Technology team is hosting another round of Canvas for Families Info Sessions to assist parents in setting up their Observer accounts. Details about the sessions can be found on the FCS Canvas public site: Flyers attached in English and Spanish.
The College Family Plan will be at Johns Creek High School on Wednesday, January 22nd. All families and students in 9th, 10th and 11th grades are invited to attend this free seminar. See attached for more information.
December 18, 2024
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
Chess - Aarya Vankadari won 1st place in the Blitz K-12 class prize at the USA Chess Federation 2024 National K-12 Championship held in Washington, D.C. He and Diptarko Gupta participated in the tournament as part of the Johns Creek High School Chess Team. By the end of the tournament, the team achieved an impressive standing in both formats (16th and 11th).
Coffee with Chris - on January 13-16 at 6:00 pm in our Media Center, Mr. Shearer will host a Coffee for rising 9th grade parents and any parents new to JCHS. Graphic attached. Spread the word to your friends and neighbors.
The Rest of This Week - today, tomorrow, and Friday are half-days. We dismiss at 12:30. Today is finals for 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Tomorrow and Friday are for recovery only. If you do not have recovery, you do not need to attend.
New Assistant Principal - tomorrow, the Board should approve the recommendation for our new Assistant Principal. I will announce it to the community soon after the approval. Stay tuned.
All Students Information
Credit Recovery – Earlier in the semester an incorrect completion date was communicated for students currently enrolled in credit recovery classes. Students currently enrolled in credit recovery classes will have through December 20, 2024, to complete the course. The course will then revert to view only, and students will no longer have access to the assignments. If students are unable to complete the course, they will lose all of the progress they have made and will need to restart the course in January. Please see your counselor if you have any questions or concerns.
Applerouth ACT Prep Course – Our partner in education, Applerouth is offering ACT Prep Group Classes at Johns Creek from Jan 11-Mar 6, 2025. The classes will take place in the media after school on Thursdays from 3:45 pm-5:45 pm for 8 weeks. Students will also have 2 mock practice ACT within the tutoring event. Please see the flyer below for the registration link. This would be a great opportunity for juniors and seniors to prepare for the March administration of the ACT at JCHS. The cost of the prep course is $200 when you use Event Code: ACT1D48. The class is open to all students however, space is limited. Please register as soon as possible. The registration deadline is January 7, 2025. JCHS ACT Prep Course
Peachtree Planning - Peachtree College Planning will be hosting a workshop on “How to Find the Right College and Avoid Overpaying” on January 23rd, 24th and 25th. There will be two virtual sessions at 12 pm and at 7 pm. See the flyer below for more information. Register for both sessions at
Summit Counseling – The Counseling Department has welcomed Korina Calbay, licensed associate therapist to our mental health resources provided through Summit Counseling. Korina received her Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Divine Mercy University. She attended the University of Georgia and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Sciences. Korina’s approach to therapy sessions entails cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and person-centered therapy. Feel free to contact Korina if your student is in need of mental health support or resources.
Current 10th-12th Grader Student Information
ASVAB – The ASVAB will be administered to on January 9, 2025 @ 9 am in the media center. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a standardized test that measures a person's aptitude, strengths, and potential for a military career and is used to determine a person's eligibility and suitability for military service and job training. It also helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. Students can complete the following link to sit for the upcoming exam. ASVAB Exam Sign-Up 2025
Current Senior Information Only
Dual Enrollment Graduation Requirements – Seniors who fail graduation requirement courses (ENGL 1101, ECON 1101, etc) will be scheduled to recover the classes in a combination of face-to-face and online classes in the spring semester. Dual enrollment classes are 1.0 credit classes and students who fail these classes must then complete the full credit course in the spring in order to be eligible for graduation. Therefore, seniors will take the “B” section of the course face-to-face and the “A” section of the course online in the computer lab. The counselors, grad coach and lab facilitator will monitor student progress in these classes closely throughout the semester.
***Fall semester grades for Gwinnett Tech have been received and added to students’ list of semester grades. Georgia State fall semester grades will be sent to the school by January 14, 2025.
Senior Mid-Year Transcripts – Midyear transcripts (fall semester senior grades) will be uploaded to Common App between January 21-28, 2025. All external grades (Dual Enrollment, Fulton Virtual, and Georgia Virtual) must be received and posted to all students’ transcripts prior to mid-year transcripts being released. Seniors who apply to colleges outside of Common App must submit a midyear transcript request through Scriborder (Fulton County Schools Transcripts and Records Requests) to have their transcripts sent to their respective schools. Transcripts cannot be emailed to colleges.
Zell Miller Scholarship Eligibility – Any senior who wishes to take the ACT in March to assist them with meeting the eligibility requirements for the Zell Miller Scholarship must notify their counselor by email by January 10, 2025. The Zell Miller Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship that provides full tuition at a public postsecondary institution and tuition assistance at an eligible private postsecondary institution in Georgia. Students must also graduate with a 3.7 HOPE GPA along with qualifying test scores of a 1200 SAT score or 26 ACT score.
***Note: The HOPE GPA is different from the Fulton County Schools GPA. It only includes core classes and is only calculated on a 4.0 scale. Fulton County Schools does not convert GPAs on student transcripts to a 4.0 scale. The final HOPE GPA is calculated once students graduate, and final grades are posted to the transcript.
Common App - If you have a college application deadline between December 15th and January 2nd, please add your counselors to your Common App accounts by December 20th and confirm the application deadlines are accurate. No college applications will be processed during winter break. Please ensure that you have selected the correct application deadlines and that your counselor has uploaded all of your required documents before your departure for winter break.
Current 9th and 10th Grader Information Only
Cookies w/Counselors: Save the Date – The School Counseling Department’s next Cookies with Counselors will be February 13, 2025, @ 10 am and 6 pm in the Media Center. During the meeting, counselors will present and discuss topics pertaining to scheduling, summer school, college and career readiness, parent roles for rising 10th and 11th graders as well as upcoming changes to the counseling dept. If there is a specific topic you would like the counseling department to cover, please fill out the following link. Cookies w/ Counselors Parent Questionnaire
Applications are now available for Student Leadership Johns Creek for 25-26. This is open to current freshman and sophomores.
- The mission of SLJC is to equip students with chances to acquire and implement leadership skills in their school and community.
- Ms. Smiley is the school contact – please see her in 272 with any questions
- Here is a video about the program - 2024 Student Leadership Johns Creek Innovation Academy Green Team 2 Project
- Application and information are available on the website
- Completed applications are due to Ms. Smiley no later than 8:30 am on January 31, 2025
- If you are a current junior and interested in a possible 1-year program please email Ms. Sanders at
The College Family Plan will be at Johns Creek High School on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. All families and students in 9th, 10th and 11th grades are invited to attend this free seminar. See attached for more information.
Mark your calendars!!! Los Abuelos Mexican Grill on Thursday, December 19, will host a spirit night from 5-8pm. Proceeds from dine in, take out and the bar will support Girls Lacrosse. Just let your server know that you are supporting JCHS Lacrosse.
Peacthree Planning College Workshop
December 11, 2024
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
AVTF - The Student Television Network hosted a timed contest known as STN Challenge from November 13-18. Students received a prompt in their given category and were tasked with producing a project in just 6 days. Gladiator Media received a total of four awards. Please join me in congratulating the following teams for their accomplishments.
- 2nd Place Feature Story: Aria Reddy, Kate Jones, Kriti Tatia, Ally Meyer
- 3rd Place Sports Story: Danny Elkhoury, Andrew Rooney, Reagan Outten
- 4th Place Silent Film: Liza McPherson, Leela Sittler, Lindsay Bass, Daniella Revelo, (actors Rett Bush and Lauren Mercedes)
- 5th Place News Story: Ian Jackson, Claire Bagwell, Dev Babbar, Ben Feibus
CCRPI - The CCRPI results from SY24 are official. And we did very, very well. While I understand the CCRPI is a limited measure, it is worth celebrating. There are more than just Milestones EOC scores that go into this. The two areas that have seen the greatest improvement since COVID are Closing Gaps and Readiness. Closing Gaps has improved 15.4 points, and Readiness has risen 9.7 points. Tremendous! This is a whole community endeavor. From Kindergarten on, our kids have been prepared for this. Kudos to everyone! I prepared a graphic for promoting our results on social media. It is attached. Of greater note, JCHS was among the top performing comprehensive high schools in the county.
For greater detail and deeper dive for it all means, click this link.
Coffee with Chris - on January 13-16 at 6:00 pm in our Media Center, I will host a Coffee for rising 9th grade parents and any parents new to JCHS. Graphic attached. Spread the word to your friends and neighbors.
Finals Week - see attached schedule. Students cannot take their FGE early. If they are going to miss it, they should speak to the teacher and make arrangements to take it a later time. Please note, December 18-20 are half-days. We dismiss at 12:30 pm. The 19th and 20th are Recovery Days and only for students who need recovery.
New Assistant Principal - today, our committee is interviewing candidates for our AP opening. The plan is to take the finalist to the Board for approval before Winter Break. Stay tuned.
Personal Fitness Waiver – Personal Fitness waivers are to be submitted after the completion of the class or sport that is being used to waive the personal fitness requirement. Personal fitness waivers submitted this school year should be based on participation in the 2023-2024 school year. Any waivers submitted for current classes or sports seasons that have not ended will be denied. The personal fitness waiver must be submitted using the student's information. Please see the personal fitness waiver FAQ below. The link for the personal fitness waiver is also included in the FAQ. Please allow at least 30 days for waivers to be approved by the athletic director and added to the student’s transcript.
***Personal Fitness waivers submitted by non-GHSA sports must have a clear start and end date, defined practice schedule, involve physical activity, and include a record of participation. Program sponsors must provide documentation at the time the waiver is submitted to ensure that a student has completed the above requirements in good standing
Dual Enrollment – Counselors still have an outstanding number of dual enrollment students who have not submitted their dual enrollment registrations. Please submit a screenshot of your registration to your counselor ASAP. Any registrations not received by December 20, 2024, will result in students being scheduled for in-person classes, especially if the class is needed for graduation. Counselors consistently audit senior readiness for graduation and spring schedules are a main component of that audit. Dual enrollment classes are filling up and continuous delays in registration can cause classes needed to meet graduation requirements to not be available. Please see your counselor if you have any questions.
Dual Enrollment Presentation – Save the date for the 2025 School Counseling Dual Enrollment live Q & A webinar on January 29, 2025 @ 6 pm. Attending the webinar will be the first step of the dual enrollment process. Please plan to attend if you plan to enroll in dual enrollment classes during the 2024-2025 school year.
Common App – Seniors with application deadlines after December 20, 2024, need to make sure they add their counselors to their Common App account as soon as possible. After December 20th, counselors will resume processing applications on January 6, 2025.
Prom 2025 – Planning for Prom 2025 is underway. The date for prom is April 26, 2025, 7 pm – 11 pm at Zoo Atlanta. The prom committee will release the theme, ticket prices, and king and queen information in January 2025. Ms. Taylor is this year’s prom sponsor and would also like to provide transportation for prom attendees. A sign-up form will be released in January for those who would like to take advantage of the transportation option. We must have at least 25 students requesting transportation to secure a bus.
Student Leadership JC - Applications are now available for Student Leadership Johns Creek for 25-26. This is open to current freshman and sophomores.
- The mission of SLJC is to equip students with chances to acquire and implement leadership skills in their school and community.
- Ms. Smiley is the school contact – please see her in 272 with any questions
- Here is a video about the program - 2024 Student Leadership Johns Creek Innovation Academy Green Team 2 Project
- Application and information are available on the website
- Completed applications are due to Ms. Smiley no later than 8:30 am on January 31, 2025
- If you are a current junior and interested in a possible 1-year program please email Ms. Sanders at
Red Cross Club Food Drive - The Red Cross Club is collecting non-perishable food items for North Fulton County Charities to be distributed during the upcoming holiday season. Boxes will be located around the school. If you club is awarding service hours for donating, food must be dropped off in Ms. Doolen’s room (265) so that she can sign your paperwork.
Carpool Lane Concerns - We would like to ask for your assistance in adhering to parking and dropping off in the carpool lane. The lane has a painted bright red curb on the right-hand side. There are posted signs that clearly say, "No Parking," but parents/visitors continue to utilize the lane for quick drop-offs, coming in to check out a student, or bringing in lunch. If your visit requires you to get out of your car and come into the building, you are asked to park in a visitor parking space. If all of the spaces are full, you may then park your vehicle on the unmarked left-hand side of the carpool lane. The carpool lane should remain clear as much as possible in order to accommodate emergency vehicles that sometimes have to come on campus. This week alone, we had to ask multiple parents to move their vehicles to make way for emergency vehicles such as a fire truck and EMS. We would much rather you park in a parking space, if at all possible. Thank you for your support.
MD Junior Club - The MD Junior Club is hosting a Winter Donation Drive until December 16th for the unhoused patients at Grady hospital. They are looking for men's hoodies, jackets, and other clothing items, used/worn or new. The dropoff box is in Mrs. Smith's room (239) and students can earn volunteering hours for donations.
JCHS Animal Science & Welfare Club - is hosting its annual Holiday Donation Drive. Every year, thousands of homeless dogs and cats in Georgia are euthanized. No-kill animal shelters need our help in saving these innocent lives. This year, our holiday donations will benefit the Humane Society of Forsyth County. Their wishlist can be found at this link:
- Items can be dropped off at Mr. Ernst’s room 137.
- Last day to drop off is Friday, Dec 20th.
- For students seeking volunteer hours, $10 worth of donations = 1 service hour.
- Please see attachment below for more details.
Rising 9th Grade Coffee With Chris
Fall exam and Recovery Schedule
December 4, 2024
Final Week of the Semester - see attachment. Final Graded Experiences cannot be taken early. If your child is going to miss their FGE, contact the teacher.
Credit Recovery – Students currently in credit recovery classes (FCCR Classes in Canvas) have until January 12, 2025, at 12:00 pm, to complete the credit recovery classes they are currently enrolled in. No extensions will be granted. If students are unable to complete the class, they will have to start the class over during the spring semester. They will lose all of the progress they achieved. Students will have access to the classes over the break in November as well as the break in December. Students will only have access to the FCS Canvas platform within the US continent. If students travel outside of the country, they will not be able to access the Canvas platform.
Dual Enrollment Students – Please continue to send your dual enrollment registrations to your counselors. GSU students need to send the classes they plan to register for to their counselors before registering. Gwinnett Tech students can register for their spring semester classes and send a screenshot of the registration to their counselors.
Common App – The counselors still have a large number of students who have not added their counselors to their Common Application. If students have a January 1st application deadline, it is imperative that they add their counselors as soon as possible. The last day of the semester is December 20th, and counselors will not revisit their Common App platform until January 6, 2025.
Schedule Changes – Schedule changes for the spring semester must fit the following criteria:
- Senior failed a grad requirement in the fall (including dual enrollment courses)
- Senior needs a course in the spring to graduate (final transcript audit 1st week of January)
- Dropping down from Honors/AP to on-level (requires parent email to teacher and department chair)
Any schedule change requests outside of the aforementioned criteria will not be granted.
School Liaison Needed - JCHS needs a volunteer for the county's Tech Fair at Riverwood HS on January 11. A school liaison can be a judge for the competition and the committee will make sure that the school liaison does not judge students from his/her school or any students he/she might know. Contact Mrs. Prabahar if you are interested.
Student Leadership JC - Applications are now available for Student Leadership Johns Creek for 25-26. This is open to current freshman and sophomores.
- The mission of SLJC is to equip students with chances to acquire and implement leadership skills in their school and community.
- Ms. Smiley is the school contact – please see her in 272 with any questions
- Here is a video about the program - 2024 Student Leadership Johns Creek Innovation Academy Green Team 2 Project
- Application and information are available on the website
- Completed applications are due to Ms. Smiley no later than 8:30 am on January 31, 2025
- If you are a current junior and interested in a possible 1-year program please email Ms. Sanders at
JC Holly Jolly Block Party - see attachment.
Fall Final Exam and Recovery Schedule
November 20, 2024
Orchestra - Congrats to the 82 students who made the Fulton County Honor Orchestra. Wow! Of the 82, five were named as principals. Shoutout to Andrew Lee, Jaden Yim, Arsheya Singh, Ethan Goh, and Daniel Martinez for that honor.
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
Last Week of the Semester - schedule for the last week of the semester is attached. These cannot be taken early.
School Motto - we are working with our Marketing students on our branding. What does it mean to be a Johns Creek Gladiator? Give us your input here.
Credit Recovery – Students currently in credit recovery classes (FCCR Classes in Canvas) have until January 12, 2025, at 12:00 pm, to complete the credit recovery classes they are currently enrolled in. No extensions will be granted. If students are unable to complete the class, they will have to start the class over during the spring semester. They will lose all of the progress they achieved. Students will have access to the classes over the break in November as well as the break in December. Students will only have access to the FCS Canvas platform within the US continent. If students travel outside of the country, they will not be able to access the Canvas platform.
Dual Enrollment Students – Please continue to send your dual enrollment registrations to your counselors. GSU students need to send the classes they plan to register for to their counselors before registering. Gwinnett Tech students can register for their spring semester classes and send a screenshot of the registration to their counselors.
Common App – The counselors still have a large number of students who have not added their counselors to their Common Application. If students have a January 1st application deadline, it is imperative that they add their counselors as soon as possible. The last day of the semester is December 20th, and counselors will not revisit their Common App platform until January 6, 2025.
Schedule Changes – Schedule changes for the spring semester must fit the following criteria:
- Senior failed a grad requirement in the fall (including dual enrollment courses)
- Senior needs a course in the spring to graduate (final transcript audit 1st week of January)
- Dropping down from Honors/AP to on-level (requires parent email to teacher and department chair)
Any schedule change requests outside of the aforementioned criteria will not be granted.
The JCHS PTSA Wellness Committee is looking forward to our next Wellness event on December 4, 2024. Students can all use a little kindness throughout their day. The JCHS PTSA hopes that this small Kindness gesture brightens up their day. During all lunch periods, students can come receive a free cup of hot cocoa and then it’s their turn to pay it forward with a Random Act of Kindness. The JCHS PTSA can't host these fun events without parent volunteers like you!
Please sign up to volunteer using the signup genius link.
Grief Support Circle - Holidays can be tough when grieving. Whether it’s from the loss of a loved one, incarceration, deportation, chronic illness, moving away, or military active duty, we invite you to come and connect with other students who understand. Share your story in a safe place, or simply be present to find support and healing. Please join us for the Grief Support Circle by the NY Life Foundation next Thursday during the Flex period. If you are interested, RSVP through the QR code or with JCHS School Social Worker Ms. Schoen
CodeDay - see attachment for details.
Nov. 13, 2024
Girls XC - a huge congrats to our girls' XC team. They placed fourth at State! WTG Coach Eurek and staff AND the runners.
Comp Cheer - our comp cheer takes second at regional and marches on to State this Saturday in Macon! Let's go!
Band - sixteen students made the Fulton County Honor Band! See attachment for names.
GHP - we have nearly 40 students moving on the state round for Governor's Honors. Congrats to all of those students in the next round!
Model UN - The Model United Nations team attended the Georgia State MUN Conference on Nov 5th and 6th. A record 30 members competed with 15 of those being first time competitors. JCHS MUN earned an Honorable Mention Delegation for the United States. Honored delegates were: Nika Hosseini, Allie Hung, Aria Reddy, Ginny Guth, Julie Essa, Krithika Moorthy, Lucy Snaith, Liam Snaith, Sofia Parker, Lucy Ferrell and Sophia Razzolini.
Biomedical Engineering Society - Members of the JCHS STEM Research Club recently attended the annual Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Abby Lee, Claire Park, and Pragya Modgil were selected and invited to present their research to college students, professors, and professionals in the biomedical engineering field at the high school poster exposition of the conference and promote the JCHS BMES Chapter at their booth.
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
Last Week of the Semester - schedule for the last week of the semester is attached.
Open Office Hours with Mr. Shearer - these are on hiatus. The turnout was not good so he is rethinking these.
School Motto - we are working with our Marketing students on our branding. What does it mean to be a Johns Creek Gladiator? Give us your input here.
Mid Semester Reminders - As we quickly navigate toward the semester's end, we thought it would be helpful to share some reminders:
- Students can receive device assistance every day in the Media Center from 7:45 to 8:15 a.m. and during all three lunches.
- Need to check your child out for an appointment? Send him/her to school with a note from a parent/guardian. The note will be taken to the Attendance Office, and a pass will be sent to the student’s classroom that will permit them to leave at the time you requested, and they can either drive themselves or meet you in the carpool lane. If you don’t send a note to school, you must come to the Attendance Office and check them out. The Attendance Office closes at 3:00 pm daily so please plan accordingly.
- All student drivers must have a current parking decal prominently displayed on their windshield and park their car in an unmarked student space. Parking stickers are only granted to juniors and seniors. We do not have enough space on our campus to allow sophomore students to park, meaning they are not eligible for parking stickers. Violators will be issued fines and/or Friday/Saturday School.
Class of 2025 Parents: We Want Your Senior Picture - The yearbook staff would like to invite parents of seniors to submit their formal graduation photos to use in a layout that compares the pictures of parents and the children. Yes, that's right — we want to include the senior portraits of parents from when they were graduating from high school. If interested, please fill out this form and submit your picture.
Career Fair - On Monday, November 18th during FLEX in the Media Center, there will be a career fair where students will be able to meet industry professionals and learn about new career opportunities. Presenters will include a Georgia House Representative, an ex-NFL player, an AI IT specialist, an Emory scientist, a tax lawyer, social entrepreneur, and much more. Additionally, during all lunches on November 18th there will be a resume workshop with an Adobe presenter showing students how to craft a great resume to set them up for success. To attend either one of these events, students will need to get a pass from the Media Center.
Fall Final Exam and Recovory Schedule
Community Update October 23, 2024
Marching Band - congrats to our Marching Band! They took first place in their division this past weekend and 4th overall. Tremendous!! Come out on November 2nd at Milton HS at 3:20 pm to see their final competition.
Orchestra - congrats to the 41 who advanced in GMEA All-State evaluations! What an accomplishment by each of them and for the program as a whole. See the list attached.
National Merit Semifinalists - JCHS has 16 National Merit Semifinalists this year! Tremendous! Hard work paying off. See the list attached.
ACT - the final data point is in for the Class of 2024. The class posted an ACT score of 25.5! Among the top scores in the state of GA. Previously, they posted a grad. rate of 96.9% and a SAT score of 1218. Numbers are not the entire picture, but an impressive run of numbers nonetheless.
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
PSAT Scores - PSAT/NMSQT® and PSAT™ 8/9 scores for students who tested between October 1 and 11, 2024, are available to students on October 24. If students tested after October 11, scores will be available depending on when the student tested.
SAT Scores - SAT® School Day scores for students who tested between October 1 and 11, 2024, are available to students on October 24. If students tested after October 11, scores will be available depending on when the student tested.
Coffee with Chris - the principal will host Coffees on October 29 at 10 am and 6 pm in the Media Center. These Coffees are in response to community feedback he received from the form he shared. The evening Coffee on the 21st was recorded as will the evening Coffee on the 29th. Those will be posted soon.
Host Home Needed - an exchange student at JCHS, sponsored by Rotary, need a host home. If you are interested, see attached flyer for details.
The JCHS Drama Department presents the Fall one acts, Girls on the Boat and Hatmaker’s Wife this Thursday-Saturday at 7pm. Tickets are available at Come support your favorite actors!
Put on your Halloween costumes and come out to our second annual Trunk or Treat at JCHS! The event will take place in our bus canopy Friday October 25 from 5-8 PM. There will be prizes, games, and a bounce house.
Football Update - As we approach the end of the 2024 season, we have two important varsity games left. This Friday, we'll be facing off against Milton High School (away), followed by our highly anticipated home game against our cross-town rival, Chattahoochee, next Friday.
A big congratulations to our JV team for wrapping up their season last Thursday!
We want to extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in our spirit day at Rushing Trading Co this past Saturday. We have more chances to show our school spirit coming up! Next week, we’ll have a full spirit week at Lazy Dog on Haynes Bridge, and on Wednesday, we’ll be at Marlowe’s Tavern. Let’s come together to support these local businesses and cheer on JCHS Football! Go JCHS!
This Monday-Thursday (10/21-10/24), our cross country team is having a spirit week with Papa Johns. They will get 20% of all sales when you use promo code: JCCC. Please order some pizza to benefit our team! A flyer is attached.
The Boys and Girls Soccer Program at Johns Creek HS is having their annual 5K For Heroes on Saturday, November 9. Come run, walk or just gather together as we honor the service of veterans and first responders. Let’s show the heroes in our lives how important they are to us! Race starts at 9:00. Can’t make it the day of the race? Please consider making a donation. All contributions will go directly to support the JCHS Gladiator Soccer Program. Use the link below or scan the QR code to register. If you don’t know a player in the program, please be sure to put GLADIATORS down as the person who referred you.
Nov. 6, 2024
Girls' XC - Congratulations to our girls' cross country team, who has qualified for State this Friday morning: Tasneed Ahmed, Korin DelFavero, Mallory Fisher, Aubrey Golliday, Allie Hung, Hayden Huston, Auva Khodakaram, Grace Landeck, Pragya Modgil, Leila Pointer, Ava Reames, and Lillian Wojewoda! Well done ladies...we are very proud of you and wish you the best of luck Friday!
Marching Band - in their final competition of the season, the prestigious White Columns Invitational, the marching band had their best run! Class 2A champs, 3rd place in the Silver Division, 9th overall band, 7th overall Colorguard, and 4th overall for Music. Congrats!!
Comp. Cheer - our team continues to perform well in the lead up ro regional. They took home another 1st place! Great job!
Boys' Golf - Vlad Parker and Louis Cerniglia represented North Georgia in the 2024 Tour Cup, a 3-day Ryder Cup-style team golf event, North vs. South, sponsored by the Georgia State Golf Association and composed of the best junior golfers around the state. The North Georgia team won the Tour Cup for the second time in a row, beating the South team 13-11! The teams were tied after the first two rounds, but the singles matches decided the outcome. Vlad Parker dominated the singles match, winning 7&5 (up by 7 with 5 holes to play). Moreover, GSGA nominated Vlad Parker as a candidate for the Player of the Year. Congrats to Vlad and Louis on the team win, and to Vlad on his nomination!
Rugby - Shout out to JCHS Juniors Cayden Norton and Dylan Jang playing for Rebels Rugby at the annual HS Halloween Rugby 7s tournament in Knoxville. The team showcased thrilling matches with speed, skill and sportsmanship.They both made their debut playing for Rebels and delivered outstanding performances both on and off the field. Cayden came on and scored 5 tries!!! And Dylan made some great runs and took some big tackles.
The tournament was a great success with Rebels closely missing out on a place in the final to Father Ryan HS. The spirit of rugby and camaraderie among the teams was amazing. Looking forward to developing these players as we move into the 15s season. Ask your fellow students if you want to find out more.
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
Perception Survey - if you have not, please take the time to complete the county's perception survey. Link to survey here.
Thanksgiving Break - before we know it, Thanksgiving Break will be here the dates are November 25-29.
Final Graded Experiences - the end of the semester is approaching. Just want to remind everyone of our run of show for that time period. The schedule is attached. There will be a graded assignment in every class during this period. These assignments cannot be taken early. Any questions should be directed to your child's teachers.
Applerouth - is offering ACT Prep Group Classes at Johns Creek from Jan 11-Mar 6, 2025. The classes will take place in the media after school on Thursdays from 3:45 pm-5:45 pm for 8 weeks. Students will also have 2 mock practice ACT within the tutoring event. Please see the flyer below for the registration link. This would be a great opportunity for juniors to prepare for the March administration of the ACT at JCHS. The registration deadline is January 7, 2025.
Current Dual Enrollment Students - As you continue registering for classes for the spring 2025 semester, continue to send a copy of your college schedule to your school counselors. GSU students must notify their counselors of their intended course(s) before registering for the course(s). If you attempt to register for a course before it is added to your funding application, you will receive a hold on your account. You must then contact the college to release the hold once your funding application has been updated. Students enrolled at Gwinnett Tech can register first and then forward a screenshot of their registration to their counselor to update your funding application.
Per the FCS Dual Enrollment Contract, this must be submitted to your school counselor no later than January 4th however, to ensure that your funding application is updated before the winter break, please send spring 2025 course information to your counselor no later than Nov 22nd.
*****Senior Dual Enrollment Students – Your counselor needs to receive your dual enrollment classes that are graduation requirements no later than Nov 22nd. Any senior who has not sent their dual enrollment classes that are graduation requirements to their counselor by the start of the November break will be scheduled for a face-to-face class in the spring (if the required class is a semester class) and a combination of face-to-face classes with FVS classes (if the required class is yearlong). Counselors will conduct another transcript audit in January to ensure that all seniors have either completed or are properly scheduled for classes in preparation for graduation. Transcript audit information is communicated to both school admin and district personnel over school counseling.
Seniors Applying to College - If you have a college application deadline between December 15th and January 2nd, please add your counselors to your Common App accounts by December 1st and confirm the application deadlines are accurate. No college applications will be processed during winter break. Please ensure that you have selected the correct application deadlines and that your counselor has uploaded all of your required documents before your departure for winter break.
Junior Advisements – The deadline for parents to schedule junior advisements is November 22, 2024. When the counseling department returns from the November break, they will begin to see students individually for junior advisements until the end of the semester. The counseling department will complete junior advisements before the winter break.
October 30, 2024
Fencing - On Round 3 of the Georgia High School Fencing League that was held at Johns Creek, 2 students got medals ...
- Kason Lin (senior) got bronze medal in men and
- Alexandra Cozmuta (sophomore) got bronze medal in the women event, with several other students making top 16 and getting the varsity letter.
On Round 1 that was held earlier in the fall, ...
- Kason Lin got the gold medal.
Round 4 is going to take place on Nov 2.
Our coach, Houston Fullerton, is the number one ranked fencer in GA and he placed top 8 at the last two summer national competitions! For more info on how to join the team students can contact Mr. Kelley
Spanish Honor Society - hosted their 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat event and it was a HUGE success!
Athletes and Coaches of the Month - check out the links ...
- August:
- September:
A note about these celebrations. We celebrate what is shared. There are a number of sports, both GHSA and club, performance groups, competitive clubs, and individuals. We cannot track them all. If a coach, parent, or community member wants to raise up their group, or an individual, for a celebration, just let the principal know.
Vote - We are encouraging all students 18 years of age and registered to vote to get out and vote during Early Voting going on now. You have until November 1st. If you miss early voting, plan to vote November 5th at your local polling location. Visit for more information.
AP Testing
- Students enrolled in AP courses
- If you are currently enrolled in an AP course, you must also be registered on The College Board website for your AP exam. If you have not done so, please reach out to your AP teacher for your join code to register for your exam.
- Students who want to cancel their AP exams or have exam conflicts
- If you are cancelling an AP exam, please contact Ms. Moyer at prior to November 1st to avoid a cancellation fee. Any exam cancelled after November 1st will have a fee of $45
- Self- Study AP exams
- If you are self-studying for an AP exam you must pay $99 to register AP testing cancellation/self study fee and contact Ms. Moyer at to receive your join code to enroll for the exam.
Student Council - the JCHS Student Council is partnering with My Journey Matters to collect baby supplies for the rehabilitation program that gives Fulton County juvenile offenders a pathway to reenter the community. Led by Judge Carnesale, the program provides resources for those in the program who are parents and need support with raising their children. The program provides baby formula, baby wipes, gift cards, diapers, toys, books, and baby clothes of all sizes (gently used or new). The Student Council is holding the drive from November 4 – November 15. Donations can be dropped off at the counseling department to Ms. Taylor. Thank you in advance for your support.
Dual Enrollment - for GA State students to enroll in their spring dual enrollment classes, the classes must be added to their funding application first. Please continue to send your intended courses to your counselors so that they can update your funding application. Seniors need to prioritize this if they have graduation requirements that they are taking as dual enrollment classes.
Common App - the counseling department would like to encourage seniors applying to college to add them to their Common Applications. As we approach the end of the semester, counselors want to ensure that all required documentation is uploaded prior to any early January application deadlines.
Senior Recognition Yearbook Ads - The deadline to place a senior ad in this year's yearbook for your graduate is Friday, Nov. 1. Ads are priced at $200 for ¼ page and $275 for ½ page. Don't miss the deadline - begin designing your ad today! If you have any questions, contact the yearbook advisor at
We’re down to one game left for the season! This Friday is our Senior Night! The recognition ceremony will begin at 6:45 PM, so please be in the stands by 6:30 PM. We’ll be facing our cross-town enemies nemesis foes rivals Chattahoochee at home. The theme for the night is White Out for underclassmen and Togas for seniors. Kickoff is at 7:30.
Important Reminder: Coach Rowell is hosting a mandatory meeting for all football parents on November 6th. If you can’t make it, there’s a second meeting scheduled for November 7th. Both meetings will start at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria.
And if you’re looking to skip cooking this week, we have an ENTIRE SPIRIT WEEK at Lazy Dog on Haynes Bridge Road! Just mention you’re a GLADIATOR, and a portion of the proceeds will go to JCHS football. Additionally, we have a spirit night at Marlow’s Tavern at the Old Alabama and Jones Bridge Road location Wednesday Oct 30th.
Thank you SO MUCH to all our families and friends for your amazing support this season!
The College Family Plan will be at Johns Creek High School on Tuesday, November 12. The College Family Plan works with Georgia high school students and their parents to assist in preparing for college. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Boys and Girls Tennis- Interested in trying out for tennis? Please plan to attend the informational meeting right after school on November 20th. Boys will meet in Coach Ritter's Room (134) and Girls will meet in Coach Holbrook's Room (155). If you are a returning Varsity player, please plan to attend.
Gymnastics - Parent Meeting (on TEAMS) on Monday November 4 at 7:30 PM.
Basketball - Spirit Night Thursday, November 7th from 5p-8p at Los Abuelos. Be sure to tell them you’re with the high school and drop the receipt off in a designated box before leaving to get credit.